My standard public key:

I'm switching off my DSA base which means a whole new keypair. I've signed my new keypair with my old keypair. They can also be fetched from a keyserver.

pub 4096R/8B429E16 2010-02-05
Key fingerprint = 934B 3013 6826 BF6B BE93 750A 8081 124C 8B42 9E16
sub 4096g/0312862A 2010-02-05
sub 4096R/A35ECB2E 2010-02-05
sub 4096R/F7C0F683 2010-11-25


pub 1024D/BC6417BC 2007-10-20
Key fingerprint = FF05 C180 6FFF DA47 B1C5 275B DA92 4228 BC64 17BC
sub 4096g/95145A86 2007-10-20
sub 1024D/027460C9 2008-06-11 [expires: 2011-06-11]
sub 4096R/00AFDA61 2008-06-11 [expires: 2011-06-11]


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